Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sports Page

      The first official soccer game was on Saturday, October 5, 2013. The game was at Uncommon Charter School against Achievement First. During our journey to the game, we brought 2 soccer balls with us but ended up with one. While waiting for the train, someone ( Andy) had been playing with the soccer ball and had lost it in the train tracks. When we got to our stop, we were kinda lost but started following one of the players that is gonna play against us since we couldn't find the building. Once we got to the building, the soccer field was at the roof of the building.


The line up was Diana, Gerardo, Fernando, Gilberto, Eternity, Eugene T, Daniel, Christian, Pedro, Alexis, Yesenia, Andy, Eugene A, and Brandon.  Once they got on the fields, they started to do the warm ups, otherwise known as dynamic stretching. As the game was progressing, you could tell that the players were good at communicating with each other without words unlike our team, they were yelling and saying "pass it to me".

For our team, the goalie was Brandon for the first half of the game, he was doing well and had confidence. The other team was able to score on us but Eugene T was able to score a goal to even the score out again. As the game went on, you could tell that the other team had really practiced and was ready to try to defeat us. On our team, most of the players were getting knocked down but they didn't stay down for long. The fake grass there was very slippery so the ball was also usually very wet. The other team was getting the upper hand of the team so the score was 2-1, that team was getting past Brandon but he is doing a good job at blocking most of the shots thrown at him. Our team was trying hard, but, as you could see, they were not communicating as well with each other as the other team. Both teams were playing really well and it is getting hard for each team to score against the other. Eventually, bbefore half time, Eugene T. was able to score again for us and evened it out again for us.

 "They are not playing nicely, they are playing aggressively," One of the players, Diana Salazar, 14, said/

 One of the funny moments was when Eugene Antwi was trying to block the soccer with his head but ended up using his neck. Keep in mind that this is just the first half of the game and the team was beating us, the score was 5-2.

20131005_111122.jpg There was still time to change the score, as the second half of the game started, instead of Brandon being goalie, they switched him for Gerardo. At the beggining of half time, Gerardo was hit in the place where no man wants to be hit but that didnt stop him from being goalie. He got over it pretty quickly and continued to play and showed great sportsmanship for not sitting out for that injury.

As the game kept going, Mr.Rose kept informing them what they needed to do, we heard him say " Alexis was being a good defense. During the first half, Eternity was not able to play for some reason but this time she is playing and one of the bystanders said that her way of playing was really good; the score was now 9-2 and we were behind them.We may have been losing but we still tried to beat them, there was still time for our team to make a comeback. The score was then 10-2 and we were running out of time, Eternity and Alexis were really good in their passing and you could see that by the way they kept blocking the other team.


 There was about two minutes left in the game and it didn't look like we were going to score any time soon. Pedro was able to score one within the last minute but so was the other team so the final score was 11-3. We should keep in mind that this is their first game and there are still plenty of other games that they can win.

 With every lose, there will be a win sooner or later so don"t give up socccer team. With this lose, they will know what they need to improve on and what went wrong. Let's give our support for the soccer team on their next game.

Written by: Barbara Castillo
Edited by: Nicole Pinero

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