
Coney Island Prep High School: Mixed Emotions?

So we've made it to High School! The dream of High School, finally reached.

Lockers, prom dates, true love (or love at first sight)... 

But is the fantasy really realistic?

To be honest, Coney Island Prep High School is really just rising out of the dirt, claiming their own building, and setting new norms and rules for all the students. Many were expecting the whole experience, but we've just barely scratched the surface.

Of course, there will be new things that will be added gradually as the school continues to develop. Football teams, marching bands, even a glee club could be here. But being the first class of Coney Island Prep High School, what really do students have to look forward to?

Also, being that this is a Charter school, students may wonder if the high school will ever be as open to suggestions and allow students freedom. Real freedom. 

As in leaving class at the bell, freedom of talking with no penalty, and many other small things that add up to a lot.

However, there are a lot of new starts! Looking on the bright sides of things, Coney Island Prep now has their own gymnasium, classrooms, offices, lockers, and just basically a really nice place to start a custom experience for the students. The returning students seem just happy for the new building, as they hadn't experienced it for the middle school. New students also may have found it different at a Charter School, adjusting to their "Suit and Tie" apparel. Even I can say that it is very exciting to have parts of the school building I haven't explored yet.

Overall though, it is vital that we wait for the year to continue, and see what we have in store. Who knows; maybe we'll be able to pick up some things from other schools that we'd enjoy, all while possessing the same traits of a charter school, and learning to keep the same core values that will help us succeed later on. 

But it's important to remember: We are what we make this school.

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